Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lindsey is neglected!

I have abandoned Lindsey, she is a looser and I seem to have no interest or time to be bothered with her what so ever! do know that I'm talking about the sweater, right?

It appears that I have no time to blog either. I have been spending some time trying to take my little business somewhere. We had a little retreat in Oct. I think there was a good time had by all.

I have been knitting too. Since my last post I've made a Christmas stocking and two Ice Queens and other stuff too I'm sure.

Right now I am working on a hat that I'm teaching this month. I LOVE it. It's in Vogue Fall 2010. the original yarn called for in the pattern was discontinued. I substituted Brown Sheep, Nature Spun sport weight. This yarn is really wooly while still being quite soft! The colors are pretty close to the magazine photo...don't ya think?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Things are changing for me at the yarn shop. I am now an independent contractor. I started a web site so folks can keep in touch with what and where I am teaching. I am running the retreats myself instead of through the shop.
Stop by and if you are interested. Join a mailing list or email me a testimonial if you are so inclined.

The site is still under construction. If you have any suggestions as to how it can be more user friendly please let me know!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One skein into Lindsey & Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July to you!
I am on my way out the door to exercise my Patriotism.

I finished one skein of the Merlin that I am using for this sweater experiment. I charted the basic cable locations. I am throwing in cables in a semi random manner with the exception of the center cable. For that one I am going to be consistent. I am a little nervous about the finished dimensions as I have realized that I won't drop the purl stitches until I have the whole front knitted. If the size is crazy big I may have to go back to square (or stitch) one.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the math lied

According to my calculations this ribbing should be 22" wide and as you can see... it certainly is NOT! Oh well this is why knitting teaches us patience. I will rip it out and start over.

casting on 96 stitches on a size 7. Too bad I have given up desserts on weekdays I could use some chocolate about now.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

more swatching

My second swatch (on the left) for the big comfy sweater that Lindsey Lohan is wearing in my previous post came out closer to the gauge in the photo. But, I think I am going to go with the look on the right.

On the Left: 24 stitches. 2 x 2 ribbing with size 8 needle. On the last row of ribbing I decreased all the P2 to P1. I switched to a size 11 needle and on the WS row I did a M1 for each of the purls that I would be making on the RS rows. That way, when I dropped those purls (to make all of those ladders) they would stop running when they reached the ribbing.

Are you following me so far?
On the Right: 24 stitches. I made it the same way I did the lefty swatch with the exception that I used a #7 needle on the ribbing and a #10 on the body of the swatch.

I picked this pumpkin colored sweater in my closet to use for those over-sized measurements. My pooch, Minnie, insisted on getting in the picture. I think she looks pretty cute!

Above is my schematic. The swatch is 4" wide at the ribbing (5.33sts = 1")
and 7.5" for the body (3 sts = 1")

The back is one big rectangle and according to my Pumpkin sweater I need to make the ribbing 22" and then increase to 25" wide. With 5.33 (ribbing) stitches to the inch I will need to cast-on 116 stitches (22 x 5.33= 117.2) [this figure turned out to be wrong I ended up with 96 stitches for the cast-on]. I need to chart out where I am going to put the knits and the purls above the ribbing. My interpretation of the sweater I am copying is that the cables are thrown in randomly. I'd like mine to look that way too. I have to be careful and put the drop stitches roughly at the same frequency as the swatch. Too many and my sweater will be too wide!

edit: ugh! I made math errors in the last paragraph, they have been fixed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Swatching for Lindsey

Deborah, you liked Lindsey's sweater and said "let's make it" goes!

I decided that this slouchy sweater should be made with a firm sort of yarn. Louet - Merlin (Merino and Linen) is what came to mind. It's machine washable and dryable and the linen component should add some stability to the floppy nature of this loosely knit pullover.

There are some mathematics that I am going to have to sort out, I want the closely knit ribbing on the bottom and edge of the sleeves which then transitions to a way bigger needle for the rest of the garment...not to mention the way it widens after dropping the stitches.

I ribbed with a #7 and then used a #10.5 for the cable bit. The ribbing is too narrow for the rest of the swatch. I am thinking that I may bind off a stitch at the point that the dropped stitches originate. On the next row I'll have to add a stitch that will later be dropped.

Just think, Lindsey just had to drive to some posh boutique and pay $800 or so for that sweater she's wearing!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Do ya like this sweater?
I do. I think I'd like to make one for me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Love Ya!

My Friend Nancy passed away unexpectedly in her sleep last night.

She was a true friend. She was smart, funny and unpretentious. She loved God, her family and Dodger baseball. She drank Tab soda and gave of herself to others every day. She gave great advise in times of trouble.

I taught her how to knit and she was my student for the last 5 years. Knitting didn't come easy to her and yet she persevered and made lots of beautiful project, all as gifts for loved ones.

She stood up for me when my character was being threatened.

We were a mutual admiration society. Whenever we would depart either by phone or in person she would always conclude with the same words...
"Love ya!"

I am going to miss Nancy tremendously and I will forever remember her and those ya.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Knitting Weather

I was all set to make a blog post yesterday when the weather knocked out my internet! It poured down in buckets ...great weather to just sit and knit!

I owe you my dear reader(s) a couple of posts. I am swamped right now with work and a family health issue.

In the mean time check out this beautiful yarn bowl that I got at Sock Summit. It was made by a pretty lady named Jennie. She was quite pregnant when I saw her. Here is an article about her great looking stuff on Knitty. As you can imagine, she had to change her business life when a baby entered the picture. Read the blog post here to get the details.

When I can I will post about my New Years trip and the TNNA. I am knitting something new. My almost-Daughter-in-law wanted a little black cardigan for Christmas, I told her I'd knit one if she'd wait until January. Black is hard to photograph, I may only show it when it's done and she's wearing it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haitian disaster

Please read the Yarn Harlot's latest post.
If you are so inclined please donate to Doctors Without Borders or the charity of your choice. I have put a permanent button with further information and a charitable challenge for knitters. (look to the right)

Even a small donation matters.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Taking a sick day

I have lots of pictures of my trip to Northern California. But, I am taking a blog break due to having a COLD! I thought that I was going to avoid it by taking stuff when I first got symptoms and then we arrived home and wham...cough cough cough.

I have to get better for the TNNA yarn trade show that starts on Thursday!